By fullfill the registration you are accepting these terms.
Our prices are a result of strating price, number of minutes and number of kilometers. Prices are adjusted without prior notification, and by using the funcionallity ««Prisestimat» you will be able to see what the trip will cost. This price is base don normal traffic and is built on experience from this route, time of day, day of week and more. The price estimate is not conclusive because special traffical incidents can make travel time and route longer than normal.
The minimum price per tour is NOK 100,- independent of travelled time and length.
If you cancels the trip before it’s more than 3 minutes to estimated time of arrival, you will not be charged with any costs. If you cancels the trip when it is less than three minutes to estimated time of arrval you will be charged with NOK 100,-
If you don’t show up to the driver within five minutes after you have recieved a text message that the car is on destination adress you will be charged with NOK 100,00.
You will recieve a specified receipt on email after each trip, including trips where you are charged according to point 3 and 4.
If you by any reason are charged the incorrect amount, please contact us on email: and we will without any delay refund the overpaid amount. There can be situations where you are charged a higher amount than the end price indicates, dobbelt payment or you are wrongly charged for amounts according to point 3 and 4 in these terms. Other complaints about our services where you mean you are obliged to any compensation must be explained in writing and no such incidents are automatically refunded before we have considered your complaint.
First Class Driver A/S shall take care of all your personal information in the most secure way. They shall not be shared with a third party without your approval. These data can be used to improve our services. By using our application you accept to recieve SMS and push notifications and other type of messages through the appication with content including a third party. These can be campaigns, discounts, prices, news and similar.